Tuesday, May 24, 2011

cute and funny quotes about life

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:41 PM
    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?
    That's your favorite question, isn't it, EH? ;) I'll look for a bibliography.

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  • mkaake
    Mar 18, 09:59 AM
    holy crap.

    that's no good. no good at all.

    i'm wondering how long before apple finds a way to shut this down - both with legal action, and changing the way that their servers serve up the files...

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  • Cheerwino
    Apr 9, 08:32 PM
    "In my day" a hardcore gamer was someone that custom built a gaming rig consisting of no less then 2 graphics cards (add a third and get SLI + PhysX), each costing at least if not more then a single PS3, the most expensive 'extreme' cpu they could find, and a small nuclear power plant for a PSU, then boasting about their 3D Mark scores.

    Hmmm, in my day, a hardcore gamer was someone with a pocket full of quarters.;)

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 01:48 PM
    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close.

    This isn't about competition. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear have already lost the competition because they run out. We need to prepare for that now, even if the most optimistic estimates of our non-renewable energy reserves are accurate.

    You also forget (or refuse) to recognize the possiblity that our current level of energy usage is wholly unsustainable and should not be considered a baseline target for future energy projects. The fact is we use far too much power per capita and we all need to use less, so that existing non-renewable resources can be stretched further, and so that renewable sources will eventually be sufficient to meet our needs. Someday the party will be over.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Worrying about wealth before all as usual - it says so much about you, fivepoint.

    The free market cares about risk, profit and cost. It doesn't give a damn about the fact that non-renewable sources are limited. Your vaunted free market teaches the adage "make hay while the sun shines" (or oil flows). The fact that expensive, currently unprofitable but extremely far-sighted planning for the future must be done just doesn't compute for people like you who think only in terms of cost and profit. The free market should never be allowed to dictate energy policy on it's own because its focus is singularly narrow and shortsighted.

    I'm not arguing for MORE oil production necessarily, I'm arguing for government to stay out of the freaking way and allow the free market to determine what we want/need more of.

    Under this scenario there is no incentive for increased efficiency in fuel consumption, only increased efficiency in petroleum extraction. From a business perspective it's great (Hooray Exxon). Apart from than that its damnably irresponsible.

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  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 09:35 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    All macs do have built-in anti-malware:
    Don't know how good it is, though.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Mar 13, 10:32 PM
    Can you use nuclear warheads to disperse a tsunami?

    With today's high yeild nuclear bombs, given enough time, can you detonate a nuke to vaporize/disperse the ripple of a tsunami? I know one tactic of fleet warfare is like to vaporize the water under the ships to make them "fall" or something like that.

    I mean, I don't know how many megatons this will take or how much of the tsunami will be vaporized and sent up into the air, but maybe at some point it will reduce the force and profile of the incomming wave? :)
    That's a pretty short sighted idea. Even if that were an effective way to stop a tsunami do you really think it's very wise to drop radioactive waste on all of our problems?

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  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Jul 8, 08:25 AM
    After suffering for 2 years I ditched and went with the HTC Incredible on Verizon.

    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    No, civil marriage is not required for sex, but it sure is required for a whole lot of other things like protecting our kids and partners legally. I know you must think that's just horrible, but there you go.

    Right, lame jokes. Ok. Modern equivalent of female stand-up comics that used to joke about men leaving the toilet seat up.

    Real sophisticated.

    I don't think he meant it as a joke. A friend of mine got AIDS from a priest when he was under age. It's not funny.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 01:03 PM
    You only NEED a computer one time for an iPad. After that you can never hook it up to another machine again. So if you don't have a computer at home, have Apple set up your new iPad at the Apple store and you have a true post-PC device.

    OK, that's an extreme example since we all do have computers at home already, and it is nice to back up your iPad at least some time. But with cloud computing coming very quickly in the Apple world, soon you won't even need to plug in that iPad even once. It will be done over the air, and then all the naysayers will understand what we are talking about when we say we are living in the post-PC world.

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  • stunna
    Jul 12, 09:57 AM
    Maybe Apple will give you a choice.

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  • MacQuest
    Jul 12, 05:55 AM
    Haven't read through all the posts, but I've always believed and said [since Intel's unveiling of it's Core line-up roadmap a few months ago, even before re-naming it Core 2] that Woodcrest would be used in Mac Pros.

    CONROE WILL BE USED IN A NEW LINE OF CONSUMER TARGETED [gamers and people who like the option of being able to upgrade, even if they probably won't] MAC TOWERS. Go ahead, let the "this is just another headless iMac rumor again" flame-fest start :rolleyes:. IF IT DOESN'T HAVE A SCREEN BUILT IN TO AN ALL IN ONE DESIGN, IT'S NOT AN IMAC DAMNIT!!! :mad:

    "Mac [whatever]", or maybe just "Mac", will probably have 1-2 models in the $1000 - $1500 range. If there's 3 models, which I doubt because they'll probably want to keep a $500 price difference between this and the lowest Mac Pro model @ $2000 [assuming Apple keeps the current pricing of the PowerMac line-up], it'll be a $1000 - $1700 range. These might sport the same aluminim alloy enclosure as the Mac Pro, but I'm betting that they'll use a different material, and possibly form-factor all-together to further distinguish this consumer tower line from the Mac Pro line.

    I would really like to see a consumer priced, Conroe powered Mac tower [maybe it'll be a mini tower] with the same black finish as the current black MacBook.

    That would be cool because then we would have 3 consumer Macs [not including the MacBooks]; 2 in white, the Mac mini [yes, I'm aware that it has a silver trim :rolleyes:] and the iMac, and 1 in black [this new Mac consumer tower]. Maybe they'll offer it in white too... as long as the white doesn't turn yellow as reported with the white MacBooks [which has already been resolved], that would be cool too, but I doubt this option... but maybe. :p

    Oh the possibilities!!! :D

    Just read the AppleInsider article and saw this:
    "The new systems, which will succeed the Power Mac G5 at the forefront of the company's product matrix, will also be available in a single processor configuration for a substantially reduced cost..."

    The key part of that statement is "available in a single processor configuration for a substantially reduced cost". I'll bet that THAT will be the consumer priced, Conroe powered tower that I'm talking about, will NOT be Woodcrest powered, and won't be called Mac Pro [possibly Mac Pro mini, but I don't quite think so], as they won't be "Pro" class workstations powered by Intel's server class chips.

    Just my 2 cents... ;)

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 02:23 AM
    The six creative "days" occurred after the creation of the "heavens and the earth." That means the universe (and the earth) was in existence for an indefinite amount of time before the creative days began.

    The word translated "day" can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. Genesis 2:4 refers to God creating the "heavens and the earth" in a single day, yet Exodus 20:11 says it took six days to create the "heavens and the earth." By calling light day and darkness night, it's actually showing that only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term "day." When the sun comes up at your house and then goes down, does that equal an entire day, lasting 24 hours? Psalms 90:4 says that a thousand years to man is merely a day to humans. So how can you logically conclude that the term "day" is strictly indicating a 24-hour period?

    sounds a little conflicting ... I write it off as jibberish ... I'll stick with science instead

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  • takao
    Mar 14, 07:44 PM
    according to tepco a 8000+ microsievert 8mSV+) value of radiation has been measured on the power plant grounds

    yearly average dosage 2.4mSV

    and while the values have since then dropped again to lower levels the situation has become more serious than before

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 23, 02:50 PM
    The Bible? I don't think I've ever heard of it. :rolleyes: No one can prove the existence of God in any form, let alone some specific God as described in the Bible (a compilation of edited stories mostly derived from hearsay).

    You don't understand and you don't seem to want to understand so I'll leave you to it.

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  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:52 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Ok, if you're SOOOOO thrilled, you've been living in a cave because you could've been doing that for years, there's nothing new here aside for an apple logo on the box... the EyeHome could do that for the last 3 years (no storage, with a remote, streaming from my mac over Wifi - the eyehome physically connected to the router, my Mac on Wifi) (http://www.elgato.com/index.php?file=products_eyehome ). And you're right, it's great... Too bad you still have to wait 6 months :P

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 11:15 AM
    ...you have a Tivo - you have made the decision to keep your recorded TV media in its traditional place - the living room / den.

    The iTV concept starts from the premis that this is an outdated concept.
    You have some interesting points, but for some people there are other considerations....

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  • Huntn
    Mar 15, 08:20 PM
    Once again my mind has been boggled on the Rachel Maddow show. Tonight she is talking about the problems at shutdown Japanese reactors, reactors that I think were shutdown before the earthquake, not problems with the reactors themselves, but problems with the HUGE POOLS of spent fuel rods, with accumulations of fuel rods in far larger amounts than what is found in an individual reactor. According to her, they need to be cooled for up to ten years before they can be put into dry storage. Having lost their cooling water they could be more dangerous than a reactor cause of the quantity of rods and they are heating up and causing explosions potentially releasing radioactive particles into the environment.

    Based on what I said in post #193. Nuclear Reactors can never be truly shutdown. *Without* a continuous flow of cooling water they become dangerous and self destructive very quickly. See this link: The Bane of Nuclear Power- Waste Storage (http://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/nuclear_waste_storage/nuclear_waste_storage.html).

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  • Sm0kejaguar
    Oct 26, 11:09 AM
    I am pretty excited about this, because if i read it right...

    the new mac pro's will possibly come out at the same price point's as the higher end model's.

    which when these come out... would mean that the ones out now may DROP in price. hey just a thought. a good one :p

    Thats what i'm worried about!!! Ahhhhh!!! guess i can always wait a month and pay my 250 dollar restock!

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  • notabadname
    Apr 13, 08:23 AM
    Pretty critical group it seems about an App for which there is still really very little detail available. Sort of like heavily critiquing a book for which you weren't even able to read the Cliff notes for, but instead just read a few sentences from each chapter.

    I say give it a chance, and let the full specs and capabilities be revealed, then pass an informed judgement.

    Aug 29, 11:00 AM
    I think Apple's done a pretty good job, at least from a non-insider perspective. And the fact that they are exteremely open and friendly sharing their environmental information (http://www.apple.com/environment/) is something to consider as well. It is not always easy for the public to find out about a particular company's information from their website.

    Obviously, though, Apple is a corporation, and, like most others, they will many times sacrifice environmental standards to save costs. All major companies (at least in the U.S.) do it�no matter how 'hip' or 'environment-friendly' they may seem. It's an outcome of consumerism.

    Apr 24, 09:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Remember, although most posters here are from the US a large number are not. In Western Europe the number if religious peope is lower than in the US (most definitely people can be more open about their lack of religion here), and it plays a much lessor role in life/society. That may add to the impression that there are lots of atheists on here.

    There could be many other reasons as well, for example the average age of posters on here is likely to be less than in the population at large.

    Oct 11, 10:57 AM
    I think it was Back2TheMac who posted earlier in this thread "x86 plain sucks". The reason why he belives the x86 ISA and CISC are inferior is because Apple put out a bunch of marketing in the early days of the PowerPC touting RISC as superior new technology. In today's world, RISC processos really aren't RISC, and CISC processors really are CISC.

    I recommend anyone who still believes in this spin to read this:

    It's most informative.

    Sep 26, 11:17 AM
    I bet I could peg all 8 cores doing a 3D render...easily.

    Bring them I say. This may make me hold off on my render farm idea.


    Oct 7, 06:21 PM
    Android should easily surpass the iPhone in market share, IMHO. So what?

    It's an OS written to run on a multitude of hardware and is/will be heavily customised by both manufacturers and operators. Due to this I doubt it'll ever match the iPhone for quality, while in terms of market share it should clean up.

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