Tuesday, May 24, 2011

extreme couponing

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  • A-Rock
    Jan 30, 11:31 PM
    Grabbed some albums:
    Abbey Road - The Beatles
    Time Flies... 1994-2009 - Oasis (Deluxe Edition)
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West (Deluxe Edition)

    all classics :)

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  • inaka
    May 4, 07:48 PM
    And what will you do if Apple releases iPhone in, say, seven colors?
    LOL, I'll pick the best color of course! :D

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  • SubaruNation555
    Oct 31, 10:36 AM
    24" HP ZR24w or 24" Dell UltraSharp U2410 to replace my 20" Cinema Display, still haven't decided. The HP is significantly cheaper but the Dell seems to have the edge in color accuracy. I guess you get what you pay for.


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  • Eriden
    Mar 11, 10:19 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Yeah, Brea was a complete f_cking mess. I was only a little ways ahead of you in line (in front of Macys), having waited in line since 10AM. By the time I got to the front, they were completely sold out of 16GB WiFi, and out of ALL AT&T models. I ended up picking up a Verizon 32GB. Didn't really want Verizon, but whatever.

    Brea was allowing two purchases per person, and half of the people towards the front of the line were holding places for 4-5+ other people. So while there were about 170 people in front of me in line for the 8 hours I was waiting, that 170 turned into over 300 very quickly when family and friends started arriving.

    Bottom line is that they should never have allowed two purchases per person. While some friendly neighbors in line saved my place, I hit the restroom near the food court a few times, and distinctly heard some people near the front talking about buying two and selling them on ebay.


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  • akac
    Nov 4, 01:37 PM
    How to do such changes? Thanks.

    Edit the VM. Go to VM Flags page and choose the cache policy.

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  • ucfgrad93
    Dec 29, 11:40 AM
    "Wants to be the worlds fattest woman"....enjoy your heart attack :rolleyes:

    Agreed. This woman is just sad.


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  • iLilana
    Apr 25, 01:51 PM
    bought the 27 inch quad i5 stock version last august just days after refresh. I loved it but due to wacky screen issue (dust or heat flaw) I got the apple store to just swap it out 3 months after I bought it. Second one had no issues and continues to perform flawlessly. I want to get a new macbookpro with thunderbolt but I think I'm going to hold off until Lion is released.

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  • Cruzer442
    Apr 12, 11:48 AM
    Oh yeah, it's all about the software cuz the hardware has reached it's peak :rolleyes:

    Hardware wish list
    "4" inch Super AMOLED 960x640 screen with full RGB subpixels

    4G/LTE Antenna

    Proximity Sensor and Antenna Fix

    Anti-Glare Matte Gorilla Glass (This is why... http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/29/d...for-your-amus/)

    Xenon flash to improve low light performance of the camera

    Liquidmetal (New tech purchased by Apple that would allow for lighter, thinner, stronger, cheaper material),

    HD/FM Radio Tuner/Receiver and Transmitter -

    Bigger Camera Lens and possibly a CCD sensor to allow better low light performance,

    Even Better Cameras (8MP, 1080P Video etc) featuring options such as ISO and night vision mode.

    Bigger Battery

    IR remote functionality to integrate it with other devices, such as Apple TV and Google TV, use it as a universal remote controller, play games on your TV and use you iPod/iPhone as a controller, as a trackpad mouse or a 10/Gui Keyboard and such

    Dual speakers with the ability to emulate 3D surround sound as well as a higher volume and vibrate (the current max volume and max vibrate are way too low)

    Dedicated Camera Button - This will let users take photos quickly, and would also allow them to take self portraits with far more ease. It currently takes way too long to snap a quick picture.

    More efficient Bluetooth 4.0 with file sharing and either Lightpeak or USB 3.0 for faster syncing/charging,

    Either remove the home button entirely and switch to a three/four finger pinch in gesture to exit apps or add a LED Notification Light under the home button (preferably multicolored),

    Inductive Charging like Palm Pre and if viable touch sensitive back for gestures and gaming functions, a Solar panel to extend battery life, or even a 3D Screen akin to the Nintendo 3DS.

    RFID aka. Near Field Communication to let us use it as a credit card, pay toll machines, to let employers use it as an id badge etc. RFID is a really cool tech. I'm sure app developers, given the api, could think of much cooler ways to use it as well."


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  • EazyWeazy3
    Feb 16, 06:40 PM
    He is definitely living life to the fullest.


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 28, 04:17 PM
    I'll tell you who care...

    case manufacturers that Apple is constantly screwing.

    No they don't. They would if this were a true story.


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  • RandomGuy26
    Sep 30, 04:14 PM

    I'm thinking of switching from Verizon to AT&T to get the iPhone. However, I'm hearing horror stories of up to 30% dropped calls in the NY area.

    For all iPhone/AT&T users in northern NJ and NYC area, can you verify that you experience around 30% of dropped calls?? is this true??


    I want the iPhone, but not if it comes with such bad service!!

    Thank you,


    I totally agree.. atleast 1 in four calls is definitely dropped in this area.. i dont blame the iphone though.. its AT&T.. cause i never used to drop calls on my iphone in upstate ny

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  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 04:35 PM
    I wouldn't be so sure of that. The show generates over $100 million a year for CBS.

    So...if Charlie makes $3 million per episode and they make say 20 episodes per year, he should be taking home $60 million of that $100 million? Really? What does Jon Cryer get to take home, let alone the rest of the people who work on the show?


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  • brepublican
    Jul 21, 05:26 PM
    On a side note, who actually voted negatively for this news item? It makes no sense
    Not that I did, but it doesnt have to. Besides, some people feel negatively about Apple's increase in share; there are a few cons...

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  • DmbShn41
    Oct 14, 08:56 AM

    With AT&T being the cell phone carrier that charges the most, they should be EXPECTED to provide the best quality service in the industry. If AT&T thinks 30% of all calls being dropped is "normal," this is absolutely unacceptable! So this means that of every ten phone calls to 911, 3 being dropped is "normal" and acceptable????? And major corporations with thousands of employees are supposed to sign up for cell service with AT&T, knowing that 30% of all calls (with customers) being dropped is, in AT&T's eyes, acceptable???????? :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Wow, you really need to take a chill pill. 911 services dont work exactly like every other phone call. And the 30% is for the NYC metro area, which is has about 20 million other people within a few blocks making calls on their cells too, which creates quite a bit of confusion, signal wise. And lets not forget the buildings, and their makeup of steel/iron frames. And then all the WiFi signal that is being broadcasted around.

    SO yeah there is quite a bit of a hurdle there, but what is even more interesting is what is Verizon, T-Mobile, etc acceptable rate of dropped calls for NYC area? Do you think any lower? Maybe next time you should think before you overreact, and then just not saying anything if it's anything like this?


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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 18, 05:33 PM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

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  • rdowns
    Feb 28, 06:10 PM
    Between him and Cryer, that's still half of what the show brings in. And you're still not factoring in production costs.

    Remember that CBS gets to air reruns and also owns part of the show to sell into syndication. That damn psycho has probably generated a billion dollars for CBS.

    Here's a list of what some TV stars earn. (http://www.tvguide.com/News/Top-TV-Earners-1021717.aspx)

    Says Sheen gets $1.25 million, Cryer at $550K and the kid at $250K.


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  • fblack
    Oct 23, 12:52 PM
    The bottom line is that this is just one more EULA violation that people will ignore on a daily basis, unless MS implements some way of enforcing it.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    May 3, 09:04 AM
    The 8800GS was actually the 8800M GTS, the second-highest model GPU in nVidia's mobile lineup at the time. The HD5750M in the previous iMac was actually a HD5850M or the second-highest model GPU in ATI's mobile lineup at that time. So Apple hasn't been skimping up to now on top-end options. Admittedly, the HD6970M is notable because it's actually the top-end mobile GPU, so we have climbed up a rung in the ladder.

    The issue I think most users have is not the actual chipset which Apple does pick well the complement a fast Intel CPU is how much RAM they put with it.

    Really 512MB is pretty weak IMHO... 1GB should be standard across all models, while 2GB on 27" in a nice addition.

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  • freeny
    Jul 25, 08:37 AM
    that's at least 3 MX-1000 users we have that are well-satisfied :-)
    Add me to that list!
    Love my MX:)

    Apr 24, 03:25 PM
    America: technologically ahead, SOCIALLY BACKWARD.

    Bad combination.

    Aug 15, 04:52 PM
    have a guest account that doesn't require a login, but gets wiped after they logout.

    Niiice! Now that's what I call a guest account.

    Mar 31, 10:30 AM
    I like that, especially the leather binding.

    Jun 6, 05:49 AM
    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    Apr 12, 08:13 PM
    Where is the new FCP?
    Did Apple take the stage at this event or didn't they? I find it odd MR hasn't reported on it yet... or... IDK, when would Apple take the stage? It seems like it's an early morning company to me, not an evening-going-into-night company.

    But like, if Apple never took the stage, I'd say it's newsworthy given there were a good deal of rumors saying that they would.

    In about 45 minutes...


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