Sunday, May 22, 2011

lars von trier antichrist

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  • Macsterguy
    Apr 25, 12:39 PM
    Do you guys think there will there be another refresh with Lion pre-loaded this summer? Im looking to purchase my first mac but wanted to wait until Lion drops.

    You don't have to wait for Lion. It is easy to install os upgrades later... Buy next week!

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  • canyonblue737
    Mar 31, 11:02 AM
    Unifying features? Fine. Unifying the button/slides with the iPad version. Also fine. Creating that horrible leather look on OS X (vs. the iPad where it looks ok) ... NOT FINE. Fix the look Apple, this is the worst thing on a desktop computer since brushed metal. ;)

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  • NativeOSXboy
    Apr 22, 10:47 AM
    Wait what ? Apple's complaint had multiple utility patents, design patents, trademark infringement claims and trade dress claims. That's pretty broad, not specific.

    It also levied these complaints at the many different phones in the Galaxy line-up. The media is only comparing 1 model, the Vibrant/i9000. There are many models included in the complaint, including the Captivate, the Nexus S and the Epic 4G. Yet as shown on this page, you'd be hard pressed to mistake them for a 3GS like the media claims.

    Apple's complaint isn't specific and it isn't about a specific model at all. That is why you guys need to look beyond the simple pictures you've seen on Apple biased media. At this point, this could go either way, could get reduced, etc..

    Also, the patents Samsung is suing over are quite important as they relate to reduced power usage during data transmission, something we all know Apple values profoundly in their designs. There's 10 patents in all. Like Apple, Samsung is defending their IP. Anyway, like stated many times, this lawsuit and now the counter-suit is just a negotiation tactic by both corporations. Don't worry too much about it and don't try to get into emotional arguments over it, in the end, it doesn't concern us the consumer.

    Why not just let him have his emotional argument? Why do you have to correct him or specify anything? If it doesn't concern the consumer (us), why not just let the issue be regardless of what one person or another has to say. This is a forum, a place to voice opinion, nothing more. If you wanna hear your right or you have strong arguments, okay yep.

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  • timmillwood
    Oct 24, 08:24 AM
    I cant wait to get mine!!!

    I gotta wait to go into uni to order with HE store online

    I could order on the phone but online i will get �32 in nectar points, �32 in Tesco points and �10 in Sky points.. so worth waiting for �74 worth of points from all my loalty and credit cards


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  • Mexbearpig
    Sep 12, 08:08 PM
    I bought this, a 16 gig. I paid two day shipping and it should have been here friday but it looks like I won't get it until Mon or Tues :( So much for two day shipping :(

    Same thing happened for me with an iPod touch. Called and complained and ended up getting a free case.

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  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 12:12 PM
    No. No. No.

    Comparing Android vs. iOS : fine

    But why the arbitrary distinction of "phones". It's an OS that can be run on multiple devices. Do you compare Mac laptop share vs. Windows laptop share? (In any meaningful context, that is)?

    Phones are different. Regarding your example you can have "anything vs anything" so sure Mac Laptop share can be compared to windows laptop share. Just as Windows desktop share can be compared to Linux Desktop share.

    Sure we are talking OS here, but without the hardware.. the OS doesnt mean anything and vice versa.


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  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 01:53 PM
    here's another article for you.....

    Wow...are you really that narrowminded?

    I'm not for one minute, nor did I ever say that Amazons cloud is invincible. The point I was making was that if Apple plan on using 1 datacenter, they will not only make the service unusable outside the US, but also make it pretty unreliable. The Amazon outage was the first since 2008 and was caused by a network glitch. Not exactly your run of the mill outage.

    Either way, Amazons cloud will outperform Apple's, period end of story. You'd have to be a pretty delusional fanboy to think that Apple would have the upper hand in this market. :rolleyes:

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  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 22, 07:50 PM
    Ooh, the iPhone Air :rolleyes:

    Home button looks nasty as does the tear drop shape. IF this is what the next iPhone looks like, I'll be standing in line....for iPhone 6


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  • Paul Graham
    Jan 30, 03:21 PM

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  • BrianMojo
    Jul 26, 11:52 AM
    I'm going to assume it doesn't mean that you actually control the thing without touching it, rather it just makes the wheel disappear when you aren't holding it. That seems to be a more useful idea.

    I mean, otherwise, it's a useless feature, except to prevent screen scratching.

    Yeah, if you read the whole patent (, you'll notice that it makes mention of "force sensors" underneath the display to tell if it is a "light" or "hard" touch. A finger being waved above an object doesn't have force to sense, and in looking at the more tablet-oriented part of the patent, you can see that a hand is clearly holding the object ( The document also makes several references to the input devices appearing or disappearing based on the proximity of a finger.

    It would seem that the main purpose of this is to make overlays like this possible:

    This isn't a "none-touch" patent.


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  • ipodtoucher
    Apr 8, 06:40 PM
    Here's my contribution for the day, spent my shift today playing around with Totally Rad Action Set :)

    National Cathedral

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  • mrelwood
    Apr 14, 10:07 AM
    I think you are all wrong. On the BMW model names "ix" stands for a fuel injection engine and four-wheel drive. I believe there is an OS M coming for certain BMW models.


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  • wmmk
    Jul 12, 11:08 PM
    why don't we get back on the topic of pages 3 before the thread is closed?
    sound good fellas? you said you'd drop the argument.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 08:19 PM
    Do you have a daughter?


    Have you ever met or talked with someone who is transgender?


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  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 13, 07:29 PM
    this is soooooo 2010.

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  • archipellago
    Apr 29, 06:04 PM
    It would seem unusual to give a company with 10% of the revenue at least 35% rebate over a company with 90% of the revenue. This looks very much anti-competitive to me.

    They have even much cheaper downloads sometimes; I suspect some were pricing mistakes. The iTunes LP "Plastic Beach" by Gorillaz was �1.69 (18 songs, one video + extras), probably a mistake :-) "24 Hour of Classical Music" is exactly that for �7.99.

    You know that you have to pay tax on all items that you buy without paying sales tax? Most people just "forget" to tell the tax man.

    anti-competitive when the prices goes down..??

    wow, which planet do you live on..?


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  • blockburner28
    Apr 9, 09:11 PM

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  • sanPietro98
    Apr 12, 10:39 PM

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  • HuggyLowDown
    Apr 13, 08:04 PM
    Yes! Finally! I've been waiting for the white iPhone 4 since launch. I'm with Verizon and I'm eligible to upgrade to the iPhone on April 22nd. Just in time. I was going to go ahead with the black, but now I'm going with white.

    Doctor Q
    Dec 2, 12:20 PM
    In this case, it has been examined, and the result is that there will be a Kernel Panic.

    The important thing is, there is no security risk. Nobody can use this to install a virus or adware on your computer. They can use it to crash your computer - once if you are clever, twice if you are not quite so clever, but not more often. They can't do anything but crash the computer.Mac OS X is so stable that I am perfectly comfortable working for an hour in between saving my open files. If I was likely to run into websites that purposely exploited a flaw to crash my Mac, I'd have to change my habits and live more defensively.

    Sure, losing work would be my fault for not saving after each keystroke, but I'd still blame the website. For example, suppose it was a site pretending to take a political poll, but if you voted against their favored choice, they punished you with a system crash. Even if this is not a security concern, it's a concern, and I'd like to see it fixed.

    These types of reports don't panic me and I'm glad that Apple does pay attention to most bugs and security concerns. I don't expect them to avoid all glitches, only to make a reasonable effort when programming their O.S. and applications, and to fix problems that are later revealed.

    Jan 30, 03:37 PM

    Oct 29, 06:58 AM
    I'd actually like to get a new Palm Pre Plus from eBay on the ATT network so I can play around with it.
    Apr 14, 07:35 AM
    Nano. Like, obviously.

    Seems like everyone forgot about the somewhat recent rumors about a smaller iphone. (Ok, just kidding.)

    Maybe apple wants the rumor mill to get up to speed as they want to introduce anything but nobody got a hint or has a clue yet. Total disclosure is bad, but no rumors is even worse.


    I just have Macs, in various sizes. All run on Darwin.

    Apr 22, 04:33 PM
    Looks top-heavy and tough to hold. Not going to happen.

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