Tuesday, May 24, 2011

recent earthquakes articles

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  • stroked
    Apr 24, 08:30 PM

    Have you ever met or talked with someone who is transgender?
    If you don't have a daughter, then you don't have a clue.
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

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  • The Final Cut
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    lol @ everyone that waited for the white iphone...

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  • longofest
    Sep 30, 07:42 AM
    I get about the same drop rate or worse in the DC Metro area. I also have friends on AT&T that have their text messages go to the wrong person. Thinking seriously of getting a Verizon BB and an iPod Touch to replace my iPhone. :(:(:( Sorry :apple:

    I get very good reception in the DC metro area (NoVA). I estimate only 1-5% dropped calls, which is acceptable to me.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 24, 11:49 PM
    So, in conclusion - get the S530 instead!



    I got one of those a few weeks ago and it rocks, Apple keyboard and mouses just don't compete.


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  • KnightWRX
    Dec 30, 12:58 PM
    what a complete imbecile. As someone who tries to eat healthy, exercises, avoids excessive partying etc and still struggles to lose weight I am sickened by this ***holes actions :mad:

    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy. Keeping it off is dead easy too. Have your doctor check for any health problems which might prevent you from losing weight or recheck your food intake vs energy expenditure.

    Losing weight is a very simple formula : Calories in < Calories out. Change the symbol around and you gain weight. Make it = and you keep your weight.

    A lot of people don't understand this very simple mecanic which is the very basis of weight control. When you have this part down to a science, you can adjust the food intake to provide fibers/vitamins/proteins that you need.

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  • Ridley
    Apr 17, 10:25 PM
    It was a video released on 4/8/2011.
    I cant link it since CNET doesnt actually show URL for videos.
    Go to Cnet, Videos, Apple Byte, and it will be the second video on the list.

    Yea, I have been corrected in that, but the argument on GPU still stands.

    Awesome, thanks! Again, really hoping for the June release. I posted before that in my biased opinion, I think it makes a lot of sense to get a new Air in time for the college discount program (i reckon the college demographic is aware of Intel's core duo vs i5 / i7 marketing) especially since i'd imagine the the Air has much higher margins than MBPs.

    Regarding the graphics capabilities, you can't use the Samsung as a benchmark because of how differently OSX and Windows behave. I'd be really surprised if Apple didn't have some sort of trick, either hardware, or drivers to beat the current graphics capability at least on paper or some obscure benchmark. Even if they didn't, the amount of time you'd benefit from a better GPU over better CPU would be miniscule in almost all tasks like iLife programs, 99% of applications and even Photoshop (despite being gpu accelerated). If you are playing games... i might be able to see the argument.

    Though personally if I were really into games or encoding stuff with badda boom or cuda or something I wouldn't be interested in an Air. I know a lot of people still are it seems from these boards, that's fine, i'm just weighing my personal opinion on the matter and would MUCH prefer better CPU.


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  • Evangelion
    Jul 25, 11:14 AM
    2 Mac Mini should still be very small

    Imagine two Mac Mini back-to-back. That is how much desk-space the tower would consume. Now, it could be as high as four Mini's stacked on top of each other, so the volume would be eight times as much as the Mini has, but the actual space needed on the desktop would be just two Mini's worth.

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  • Raptura
    Apr 22, 04:24 PM
    I would be really disappointed to see a metal backing like iPod Touch has. My previous iPods from the past are so jacked up on the backside with scratches and dents. I know I'm not alone with this.

    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy. But if they were going to move to metal I'd prefer an iPad-style backing.


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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:11 PM
    I have nothing against Apple shareholders (both shorts and longs :D). It's just this is not a forum for them. This is their forum: http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/mb/AAPL

    This is my new favorite post. You, the guy who owns no Apple products (save for a battery charger) and quite clearly dislikes Apple, telling someone they are on the wrong forum.

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  • G5Unit
    Dec 1, 02:07 PM
    I for one, welcome our new Adware overloards.


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  • Westside guy
    Oct 23, 11:01 AM
    Doesn't affect me either way - I'm staying away from Vista for as long as I can. It took them what - 5 years? - to get XP to some reasonable semblance of semi-security. Even now it's no great shakes; it just means some South Korean kid can't pull another large-scale Blaster type of hack.

    Steve Gibson (http://grc.com/) (love him or hate him) reports that Vista's rewritten network stack, through the various betas, has been shown vulnerable to a number of the exploits that more mature stacks (e.g. BSD's stack, the one MS used to quietly use) have fixed over the past decade! It just seems ludicrous.

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  • slackersonly
    Jul 24, 03:17 PM
    Using Apple.com prices for comparison, current Mighty Mouse is $49 and Bluetooth Mouse is $59.

    I would like to see the Bluetooth Mighty Mouse at $59 or even better a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mighty Mouse Combo for $99.


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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 11, 02:02 PM
    Probably not to far off. what will be funny is all the people who bought a 2011 mbp, I am guessing probably will not choose to pay premium for the drive and will upgrade their laptop prior to buying affordable TB drive for thier machine.

    I hope I am wrong, But I think 500 might not be to far off from actual price.

    500? That IS expensive!

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  • Reach9
    Apr 12, 12:26 PM
    The iPhone 4 will still be the best smartphone on the market when the iPhone 5 comes out.

    Holding it back makes a lot of sense at this point.

    *facepalm*, not this fanboy again..

    Anyway, regards to the topic. The September event seems plausible, and i know many people speculated it to be the case before as well. Makes sense because they can't really upgrade the iPod line that dramatically anymore. Thus they can introduce the new iPhone 5 and iPod Touch together, without people already knowing what the iPod Touch will encompass.

    Only question is, can Apple keep the demand in Fall? with iPod line, iPhone and Mac upgrades?

    On a side note people, don't put the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 under the same rumor umbrella. Clearly because, the iPhone 5 will come out this year, and the iPad 3 won't.


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  • beebler
    Apr 14, 11:06 AM
    iPhone 5 will be announced in September along with the iPad 3, which is also planned for that time. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed the iPad 3 back a little though.

    100% sure the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer.

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  • leekohler
    Nov 11, 09:11 AM
    Burberry Pullover


    Screw the shirt, give me him for Christmas. :)


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  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 15, 03:51 PM
    They still have Tigon and Liger
    This is true, the liger really is the biggest of the big cats.
    Also, like most hybrids, they are born sterile so it really would be the last of the line... :D

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  • robby818
    Apr 28, 10:34 PM
    Using my digital calipers the white is .01" thicker, I am using the same case from my black iPhone and it seems to fit just fine. Didn't notice any difference till I heard about it.

    Sweet pics. :D

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  • saving107
    Apr 13, 09:11 PM
    I saw one in the wild.

    Employee at an AT&T store in Charlotte, NC had one last week when I stopped in to purchase a car charger. He said they are probably going to be out soon, but mentioned that he is having problems with the proximity sensor. he said the screen display is staying on when he is on calls and that his cheek/ear are activating display controls. Could it be an issue with the bright white reflecting too much light into the sensor?

    It could be a bad mod job, I doubt some random AT&T employee got a hold of an actual White iPhone 4.

    Apr 14, 07:33 AM
    Apple II

    Apr 13, 11:28 PM
    From what I see most iPhone owners protect their investment with a case. I.E. you don't see what pretty color you phone is. (the reason i don't care about how my phone looks)

    May 1, 05:39 AM
    You do realize that there are a set of minimum requirements that an Android phone must adhere to to be granted access to Android Market?

    Yup, and that's irrelevant to the discussion. Phones that aren't granted access to that market are still counted as Android devices.

    I don't know how long you have been into Smartphones but smartphone marketshare has always been calculated this way, even in the old days of Symbian and Windows Mobile which also ran on non smart phone PDA's.PDA's were excluded from smart phone market share despite running the same OS.

    "Smartphone OS" market share has been around before Android and iOS even existed as a platform and isnt some tool to belittle Apple's perceived performance in any way. Its just a metric in a sea of metrics that count things to different cirteria.

    "Smartphone OS" is a totally meaningless metric. It's as useful as "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". Yes, you can report on it, but it begs the question "why?". And the answer is (9 times out of 10) "to make us look good, even though we're losing the battle that really counts".

    Jun 6, 12:57 PM
    If I were the mother the punishment would have been to pass the bar

    Apr 26, 02:26 PM
    Until this speculation is confirmed and Apple reveal what their plans really are, I'll reserve judgement on whether this is value for money or not. But it wouldn't surprise me if they do charge something. To not charge would mean adverts, I'd rather pay a small premium, much like a do with Mobile Me than have adverts. Each to their own though.

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