Tuesday, May 24, 2011

shakira pique 2011

shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 03:46 AM
    You just quoted me as saying something I did not say. Please correct it.
    I corrected it.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 09:28 AM
    If you don't believe me, there's plenty of history to read. Just go look at the following industries that were disrupted by technology...

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Foxglove9
    Aug 29, 11:13 AM
    Eh, I believe little of what Greenpeace ever says. :rolleyes:

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 11:15 PM
    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'? Please explain that to me. I never said Premiere. I made the switch to FCP in 2005 after 10 years of solid AVID work, yet I still use them both - just depends what job I'm on and who I'm working for. I stand by what I say - It looks like a fun 'toy' to play with. I have my doubts when it comes to some serious sound track organization and color correction. Reminds me a lot of when someone gave me a demo of Speed Edit by Newtek. It's really interesting how alike these seem to be.


    Photoshop & AE are awesome applications. Premiere might be a decent editing app, but nobody in the industry uses it. A very small % sure, but only because they don't know FCP or Avid. Maybe do-it-all small post houses, but not dedicated editors. I'm not really trying to knock Premiere - just stating facts.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    HAHAHA One-click CC. you are funny or... well you know what.

    Yeah, I don't know about one click CC either. Color me skeptical. Although a lot of color adjustments are just minor, so theoretically, it could do a decent job.

    Anyone doing complicated color work is going to need a dedicated app anyway. I don't think it's realistic to assume FCPX will ever be able to do this.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Gimzotoy
    Mar 18, 11:24 AM
    Actually - for several years - and still in some areas - you DO pay for the ability to network your home via wifi - and there is a way for the cable company to prohibit it. Not that they do/will. - but clearly they can since some areas have this as a "premium"

    I'm not aware of any non-wireless ISP in the US that charges on a per-computer basis. There are many that offer supported wireless routers to their customers for an additional fee, but there's nothing stopping a customer with enough knowledge from just buying their own.

    This whole situation very closely resembles the early days of broadband internet. The ISPs wanted an additional fee (I recall mine was $10/month) for each additional computer on the network. This was enforced by IPs or MAC addresses. Users balked.

    Then along came the consumer-level router, which substituted its own IP and MAC address into all packets to/from the local network, making detection difficult.

    Since you can determine the manufacturer of the device from its MAC address, the ISPs then started charging extra for any MAC address that indicated it was from a company that manufactures routers (think Linksys, Dlink, etc.). Users balked.

    Router companies then added the ability to clone the MAC address of one of the local computers onto the router, effectively making it appear as if all traffic was coming from that one machine. ISPs eventually gave up, and now routers are commonplace.

    We're going to see the same progression here eventually, but since all the carriers in the US act as a single unified collective, it will probably take lawsuits to eventually make it happen. When it comes to cellular carriers, there's no such thing as "voting with your dollars" in the US as there is in other parts of the world.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Freshfishing
    May 5, 10:17 PM
    At least 50% of my calls are dropped on ATT iPhones in MN. I probably know 50+ people in the area who have iPhones and everyone has the same level of issues. We are all getting really good at texting!

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • fat phil
    Apr 13, 09:28 AM
    The product looks good for what it is, and I read most of the comments here... while I'm not a video guy I am an artist and IT professional and I do have to agree that Apple is strangely moving away from the core pro market that was very loyal. I have seen more and more artists move back to PCs lately and even though I have been moving the other direction, I can't fully blame them.

    I know Apple has a plan and they stick to their guns, but I just think they may be shooting themselves in the foot by going so fully consumer market. Avid has a lot more as far as hardcore features and scalability. Apple has basically dropped their server line and they are on a path of dumbing down many apps to fit a more iPad/App market. They are still powerful and "pro" apps but much of the scalability and truly "pro" features seem to be dwindling day by day. That's my concern.

    I don't think they're deliberately setting out to hurt the Pro users in this case - they genuinely think they've found a better way to work. If it's true then it's all good.

    Even if they were trying to open up the userbase, it doesn't take Stephen Hawkins to figure out why they'd want to.

    2,000,000 Pro users @ $600
    10,000,000 "casual" users + 2,000,000 Pro users @ $300

    Yeah. I'd do it too...:)

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 7, 03:43 PM
    You're right, the app numbers really reflect that developers are leaving... only 85,000 apps. Ouch. Just because a few bloggers complain about the process, which I'm sure is frustrating for developers, doesn't mean that's how every dev feels. I just think there is too much incentive for devs to leave the iPhone. Too much money to be made.

    I'll believe it when I see a few percent of mid- to upper-sized developers leaving.

    And of those 85k apps how many of them are not crap...

    I think saying 1k is being very generous. Most of the apps are pretty crappy and useless.

    And yes I am calling what most of the devs are turing out crap.

    I read reports that over 60% of all apps turn into apple are getting rejected with little help on why. Apple closes overly closes system will be its downfall in the end.
    A lot of the best apps for the iPhone out there are currently only available for Jail broken phones only. That should tell you something. A lot of the best apps and devs are saying "I am done with apple" and going to make apps Jail broken only.

    Go look at the jail broken app store. Some great stuff is in there. The approval process to get in that store is a matter of turning your app in and it is put up.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • ethen
    Oct 10, 10:49 AM
    I think it is relatively depending on area where you are. In Dallas near my place I have never had drop calls, but in Irving, drop calls is close to 15% of my calls

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • maccompaq
    Oct 10, 10:01 AM
    I just bought my first iPhone in September, and I kept my LG phone. It makes no difference which phone I use. My calls are always dropped. If a call lasts for 30 minutes or more, I always get a dropped call. Then we re-connect and most of the time get another dropped call.

    Would you call that a 200% dropped call rate?

    Is there a way to watch ABC TV on the iPhone like I do with my computer using the Internet? I know that Flash is not on the iPhone, so I am wondering if there is a work-a-round.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • blahblah100
    Apr 28, 02:57 PM
    Ever heard of the Mac Mini???

    The day Apple starts making Netbook quality computers I will start hating Apple.

    How good is a cheap computer when it works like crap? I know many people who bought cheap PCs and laptops, and when I tried to used them, it was very annoying how slow these were.

    Wait, is that the $700 computer that has a Core 2 Duo and no keyboard/mouse? :rolleyes:

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • alust2013
    Apr 5, 05:31 PM
    You may not like the lack of start menu at first, however, it does end up working with a better flow overall. It's just different at first, and after using windows for many years (little bit of 3.1, a lot of 95 and 98, then ME, XP and 7), it took a little bit to get used to, but honestly not that long. You get the basic idea of where stuff is pretty quick, and it's certainly not difficult, especially if you are reasonably proficient in computers.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 12:27 AM
    So what? So someone had to decide which books belonged in there and which did not. The choice was most certainly partly arbitrary and partly political. I mean, even if you could reasonably claim divine inspiration for the authorship, can you also claim divine guidance for the compilation? Especially considering that various Christian sects cannot agree on even that.

    The books were selected nearly unanimously with the exception of a select few books of the bible.

    Also, if they were divinely inspired (meaning God went through the trouble of having them written), why would they not be divinely compiled together? It wouldn't make sense for God to have his scripture written, then put in a compilation with a bunch of non-scripture, then mistranslated to boot. Therefore, you either believe that there is a God and that the Bible is exactly what it is supposed to be, or you believe neither

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 9, 01:23 AM
    You can't cut and paste, only copy and paste.

    A lot of games won't work on mac.

    The magic mouse is absolutely horrible, so stay away.

    They heat quite quickly.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • trrosen
    Mar 18, 09:16 AM
    Will never happen. The contract you signed with AT&T specifically says the required data plan cannot be tethered without an additional fee. You agreed not to do it, they have every right to punish those that break the contract.

    I'm thinking the only proper response to someone violating a contract is to end the contract. (that is cut off your service) I don't think AT&T has a legal standing to say OK you broke our contract so we're going to unilaterally enter you into a new contract.

    PS Something for all you "ITS MY DEVICE" people to remember. If you bought it on contract it's not your device until the contract has been fulfilled. Until then the sale is not complete and the Phone is AT&T's.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Black94TSi
    May 5, 03:01 PM
    I live in an area where there are 4 towers within 3 miles. I have usually 2 bars in my house and 5 bars outside.

    In any given day I drop at least 60% of my calls. I will get around 10 failed calls too(goes against my minutes).

    I am a new att customer too, just signed up in November.

    I am really thinking of going back to sprint where I never had dropped or failed calls.

    shakira pique 2011. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • celo48
    May 5, 10:43 PM
    I am not a big fan of AT&T either but how come T-Mobile does better than AT&T , I do not know.

    AT&T is not THAT bad. I know it is better than T-Mobile at least.

    Sep 12, 06:43 PM
    So based on what was shown today, the iTV itself is not presenting itself as a recording solution, only playback.

    If that is the case, then it still misses the mark because you cannot do the one thing that a PVR can do easily which is to pick up the remote and click record without getting out of your chair (assuming your Mac is in a different room than the TV).

    You have got this all wrong.

    The iTV is a winner for these reasons:

    3) Tuners: Numerous Third Solutions (elgato for example) exist right now to capture High Def video to the Mac and PC -- the stream is pauseable.


    Oct 9, 07:26 PM
    "Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012?"

    Wow. Boring, baseless prediction. Everyone will forget it since it won't come to be. If by some remote chance it comes to be then they get to claim they made the prediction. This is hocus-pocus. They create a large base line of many varied predictions so that later they can claim accurate prediction. Typical of soothesayers and investment bankers.

    Apr 27, 06:38 PM
    That's the line of thought of the type of agnostic who believes that we can't know (rather than someone who is undecided or doesn't know).

    Ah, the academic exercise. Yes. Love it.

    But the all the speculation is fun, regardless.

    Nope, sorry, no fun "regardless", for others have a dim view of any speculation outside their own pre-conceived notions.

    Mar 14, 02:16 PM
    You need to separate capacity from demand. Capacity is just the maximum power a station can theoretically produce. In practice, most of these renewable stations never reach that max. I've checked the stats at my utility's wind farm and that thing is usually around 9% of capacity. Considering a wind farm costs 4 times as much money as a natural gas generator to build for the same capacity, efficiency-wise, the station is a joke.

    What's more important is demand - being able to produce enough energy when we need it. This is where solar and wind fall short. They don't generate when we want them to, they only generate when mother nature wants them to. It would be fine if grid energy storage (IE batteries) technology was developed enough to be able to store enough energy to power a service area through an entire winter (in the case of solar). But last I checked, current grid energy storage batteries can only store a charge for 8-12 hours before they start losing charge on their own. They're also the size of buildings, fail after 10 years, and cost a ton of money.

    This is why a lot of utilities have gone to nuclear to replace coal and why here in the US, we still rely on coal to provide roughly 50% of our electricity and most of our base load. There are few options.

    It would require a multi-tiered approach. We have abundant coal which I believe can be made to burn cleanly although I'm not necessarily advocating that. And none of these sources if they break down (except nuclear) threaten huge geographical areas with basically permanent radioactivity. In case of worst case accidents, it could be plowed under but we'd still have substantial problems. The thing about nuclear power if it was perfect it would be a great power source, but it is far from perfect and the most dangerous.

    Feb 28, 01:32 AM
    Hardly. If you're that serious about getting into iPhone development, pony up $1200 for an iMac and run Windows on it too. Apple will never port their dev tools to the PC. It makes no sense at all.

    uh yeah you are specailly like that type of attitude if Apple Never opened iTunes/iPod to windows computers do you really think the Music Store would have had 10B downloads no.. well eventually but it would never have been so quickly as they have done. Trust me Apple will eventually open up to windows on the iPhone Sdk the iPhone is only 3 years old.

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