Tuesday, May 24, 2011

spiderman 3 game pc

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:11 PM
    I have nothing against Apple shareholders (both shorts and longs :D). It's just this is not a forum for them. This is their forum: http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/mb/AAPL

    This is my new favorite post. You, the guy who owns no Apple products (save for a battery charger) and quite clearly dislikes Apple, telling someone they are on the wrong forum.

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  • CrAkD
    Apr 25, 11:43 AM
    I'm ready to transition to a sandy bridge iMac with a multidrive thunderbolt enclosure! Bring it on!!

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  • Biolizard
    May 4, 05:58 AM
    If you look at the "big picture" it makes sense. The iPod is in decline, so Apple's previous big Fall music event isn't really big anymore. The iPhone could shore that up and bring lots of sales to 4Q and maybe even, reinvigorate iPod sales.

    This. Jobs spent half of last September's event talking about 4.1 and 4.2 anyway; the iPhone is the next logical step.

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  • M-O
    Apr 28, 11:47 AM
    how many people held off on the verizon iPhone 4 thinking there would be a verizon iPhone 5 in June?
    Apple's takeover of verizon is still in the early stages.


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  • pernst
    Apr 23, 08:40 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    No such place as "cali". Please try again.

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  • citi
    Apr 22, 05:48 PM
    I really don't see them adding the dual core chip to the iPhone or the iPod Touch, maybe an increase in processor speed but I think the more powerful processor is going to be reserved for the iPad now.

    The A5 is coming. It has too. Too many dual core phones coming out.


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  • rorschach
    Apr 26, 12:05 PM
    If I'm paying, I'd rather just have an all-you-can-eat subscription option and be able to stream to any song on iTunes.

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 24, 04:18 PM
    Damn, about time.


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  • ivan2002
    Apr 13, 10:22 PM
    Anyone actually planning on buying this? Especially with a refresh right around the corner?

    There is no refresh anywhere on the horizon. In fact, the refresh is not coming for sure before September, and there is currently no indication at all at what point after September would it come.

    If this state of affairs remains when the white is available for purchase, I am buying it. I just couldn't bring myself to buy the black 4 as I never thought that the design measures up to that "Apple pop" the way the white one does. So, my 3G is pretty beat up by now, and I never dared to upgrade to iOS 4 for fear it will slow it to a crawl, so I am well behind in apps too.

    Plus, it looks like we are having trouble thinking up even a wish list for iPhone 5, which I suspect is the main reason why it's not coming soon: there is not much to add to iPhone 4 (except as I said before in design, which for my taste white fixes at least in the visual appeal).

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  • jon1987
    Apr 28, 04:06 PM
    Those iPhones in the photo are the exact same size, just a simple case of forced perspective. The White iPhone is tilted ever so slightly to give the illusion of increased size.


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  • playaj82
    Jul 26, 01:20 PM
    Has anybody thought these might all just be preventative filings?

    Apple is smart to file a patent on something that might be "similar" to technology they have developed just to maintain their exclusivity of the technology.

    Apple might be filing this just so they can say, haha, Microsoft, you can't produce this because we invented it first....and then Apple moves on to the next big thing without ever producing a product based on the patent.

    As far as the trademark stuff goes, it is the same logic. Apple needs to protect as many derivations of the "*Pod" mark in order to make their Pod trademarks even stronger. Apple will probably never produce something with the "doPod" trademark, but any other company thinking about naming their product the "doPod" will think twice before getting into a legal battle with Apple, who has one of the most recognized digital entertainment trademarks in the world.

    You can show me Patent and Trademark filings all day long and I will simply reply with a "prove it"

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  • pincho
    Oct 24, 08:13 AM
    what happened to radical new design?
    not so radical now is it ;)


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  • sixstorm
    Oct 21, 08:17 AM
    My wife and I are going to get 15" MBPs around Christmas time.


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  • Eriden
    Mar 11, 10:19 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Yeah, Brea was a complete f_cking mess. I was only a little ways ahead of you in line (in front of Macys), having waited in line since 10AM. By the time I got to the front, they were completely sold out of 16GB WiFi, and out of ALL AT&T models. I ended up picking up a Verizon 32GB. Didn't really want Verizon, but whatever.

    Brea was allowing two purchases per person, and half of the people towards the front of the line were holding places for 4-5+ other people. So while there were about 170 people in front of me in line for the 8 hours I was waiting, that 170 turned into over 300 very quickly when family and friends started arriving.

    Bottom line is that they should never have allowed two purchases per person. While some friendly neighbors in line saved my place, I hit the restroom near the food court a few times, and distinctly heard some people near the front talking about buying two and selling them on ebay.


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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 07:53 AM
    Flight charge...thats nice...maybe because of the recent sony flame batteries.

    200GB drive is good, but @4200rpm...:eek:

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  • boxlight
    Nov 3, 11:35 AM
    I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate

    What rebate? Please elaborate.

    NT 3.51? 4? LOL

    All these VMWare features are really nice. Then again I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate. Give me more features Parallels! :D


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  • John.B
    Apr 14, 05:51 PM
    Probably never.

    The most likely scenario would be reunification between the UTMS/GSM and CDMA software in iOS 4.4 or definitely iOS 5.

    It appears that Apple forked the 4.2 code for the CDMA iPhone and there's no clean way to reincorporate those changes into the 4.3 branch.
    Battery life in 4.3.x sucks. Verizon users should be glad to be on 4.2.x! :mad:

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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 14, 03:29 AM
    Once you get over the delusion of Macs running iOS apps, the Apple TV 2 makes the most sense.

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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 19, 03:27 PM
    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.

    +1, besides, the 13" MBP + 128GB SSD provide far better value-for-money than any present 13" MBA.

    The cheaper solution, the 11", tells another story but even then anything past the base model comes so close to the price of a 13" MBP+SSD that it's impractical to get a 11" from a performance point of view, especially when it's equipped with the slow 1.4 C2D. The 1.4 i5 will provide far better performance (certainly far more than 40% of speed boost). We will still be able to watch FullHD movies despite the less capable IGP. Games. Don't tell me you want to play WoW on a 11" monitor.

    Also nobody said the processor upgrade is useless or "unwelcome". FX4568 said "We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.". Overkill means the increased processor speed will not be of any use, or, in other words, useless.

    Apr 16, 04:39 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Android what a laugh! The OS is Linux which they effectively forked. The SDK is built on a Java work alike, a work a like that has a questionable amount of others people's code in it. On top of that they purchased the company that started out developing the concept of Android.

    Ah. You mean similar as to how Apple purchased NeXT and based OS X on their NeXTSTEP OS?

    Give it up. This has been discussed to death already.

    fail. google didnt make android. and the fact that you used a winking smiley to illustrate your victoryfail makes it all the more sad. :-(

    See above.

    Oct 23, 09:12 AM
    Wow, this seems like a really stupid move!!

    Someone correct me if i am wrong here but what this means is that if a mac user wants to install windows in bootcamp and parallels he is going to have to get the business or premium edition??

    It is a good thing i get software (all windows, which sucks) through my school for free. I would never pay $400 just te be able to run it in a virtualized environment.

    Also, i am assuming that if and when parallels figured out how to use the bootcamp partition to run windows in there software that would frack the EULA and therefor you would be SOL with help from microsoft. Now that puzzles me because technically there is only one copy of windows installed on the machine, but since it is being used via bootcamp and parallels it breaks the EULA and again you are out of luck.

    Microsoft seems to be going about this totally backwards to me. I don't understand there insistence on so many different versions of the same crap. why not make like 3-4 versions instead of 7 (or whatever number it is). Make one for home users, one for businesses, and an ultimate edition. Then a server version. That to me seems so much easier.

    Oh well, i get it for free anyway so i'm not sure why i am complaining.

    Jul 24, 03:33 PM
    Bah, these things are rubbish. The scroll wheel clogs up with dirt, just as scroll ball mice did in days gone by - except there is no user access to clean it thoroughly. Apple need to re-think the design on this one before updating it.

    Yep, and me, I'm NOT coming back from my Logitech MX 1000 Laser. Mighty Mouse is only serving during those 30 or so min a week when the MX (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/features/opticaltopics/AR/EN,CRID=2090) is charging, and that's 30 min too long.

    Oct 19, 08:55 AM
    -Magsafe is an actual innovation.

    It's not. Such power-connectors have been around for a long time. The thing that Apple did was to be first to put one in a laptop. But the actual technology is not new.

    Jul 26, 11:05 AM
    but who would want to have a full featured iTunes when you still haven't solved the problem of typing. The most efficient part for me is to type out what you're looking for. I do, however, see the advantage to making playlists more efficiently on the go, giving you the ability to shuffle anything you choose, not just "All Songs" which is a bother. :)Text input can be addressed in a lot of different ways. Bluetooth portable keyboards, for example. If I got a tablet, I'd also get myself a foldable keyboard to take along with me. Or you can make do with a virtual keyboard activated by gestures (2nd image):


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