Saturday, June 4, 2011

acrobat 9 serial

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  • Burgess07
    Apr 18, 04:19 PM
    Sticking with the default Lion one.


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  • kirk26
    Apr 7, 07:20 PM
    Why is this getting more positive votes? I thought people who come here don't like good news like the previous stories? /s :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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  • cookieme
    Jan 11, 01:14 PM
    Hi just read this on LaCie's website...

    LaCie Unveils First Bus-Powered FireWire Speakers Design By Neil Poulton

    LaCie firewire speakers (

    They have also announced other new products. Anyone seen these speakers at MWSF? What do they sound like? I'm looking for a pair for my new MPB C2D. ;)

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  • samywamy10
    Apr 8, 07:11 AM
    Has anyone seen those bright blue iPhone cases? You know the ones that it seems like every single woman in Australia encloses their iPhone in?

    Am I the only one who finds these incredibly detrimental to the iPhone's aesthetics?

    Just my daily rant.


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  • iGary
    Sep 24, 06:42 PM
    If he lived in my house, I'd say yes, with all the appropriate precautions, but I would have a talk to him about his attitude. It could be a symptom of a much greater problem.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 12:54 PM
    We iPhone and 3G iPad owners are plenty upset by this as well.

    Well, to be fair, you express hate toward Apple constantly. And given the conspiracy ideas in your signature, you are plenty upset about lots of things in your life. So I would hardly consider you a typical case. Apple could offer free computers tomorrow and you'd instantly post a message expressing your hatred of Apple for doing that.


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  • zen.state
    Apr 20, 08:42 AM
    Thats weird your Single 1.8 can't handle 720p h.264. My 1.67Ghz PowerBook G4 can... just. Possibly due to the fact mine has a very clean Tiger install (All it has is Logic Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro 5)... but Idve thought your 1.8 wouldve managed it.

    It can just play it but some frames are dropped. I only consider a system capable if it can play a video without dropped frames and with at least 10% CPU to spare.

    Other very possible factors:

    -your 9700 GPU is both better than my 6200 and runs on an onboard AGP 4x vs my AGP 2x.

    -10.4 vs. 10.5 would definitely make a difference in terms of 720p h.264. 10.5 taxes the GPU a lot more than 10.4 when core image support is there like both of our systems in question.

    -system bus and memory are 67% faster in your PB

    A 1.8GHz 7448 is certainly more powerful than a 1.67 7447 so the reasons above are what I would equate the differences to. A quick example.. my CPU score in xbench is as high as 96 yet my overall score has never been higher than 63. Geekbench score on my 1.8 is 1127.

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  • Designer Dale
    Apr 7, 04:12 PM
    A few guitar themes.

    Link for the original Taylor Acoustic Guitar (



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  • rand()
    Nov 21, 04:05 PM
    Hey guys.

    I've been pushing my passion for the iPhone idea down for so long, that the ideas inspired by this rumor were simply too great to post in the forums. So, I'm shamelessly linking to my blog.

    Terrible. Shameless. So whatever you do, don't support my behavior by clicking the ads. You'll only encourage me.


    acrobat 9 serial. Adobe Acrobat X Suite
  • Adobe Acrobat X Suite

  • Vector
    Aug 13, 08:07 PM
    Very nice. I like the happy mac incorporation. The animation is nice, simple but clean.


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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Sep 26, 01:00 PM
    If you're 47 you were ~23years old when AIDS hit the headlines. When did your 'youth' end? Oh and I'm pretty sure herpes was about, but it shows how bad sex education either state or parental must've been back then!

    It is a matter of historical perspective. Remember Reagan never fully acknowledged the true scope of the of the AIDS epidemic. By some accounts "youth" ends at 25. By popular literature this is the age that we have the "knowledge". "experience", and "wisdom" to make "informed" decisions.

    Given the "knowledge" over the years. why do you think that a musical like "Rent", could even hope o make it it the movies in November?

    Again it seems society differs between the US and many other places. I could legally drink in restaurants with my parents and I think it's legal to drink from 16years when you're having a meal with at least one person over 18years at the discretion of the restaurant although most won't serve to protect their own license.

    I am old enough to remember being able to drink at 18. Some studies I have seen over the years have cast doubt as the effectiveness of 18 being the drinking age.

    For if you are of age to raise a gun, then you should be the age to raise a pint.

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 21, 11:07 PM
    Since we're talking about an underlying OS here, I assume they remembered to include the Linux user base as well... including dumb terminals, kiosks, and servers, right? ;)

    Seriously, Facebook runs off of a modified version of the Android OS. Lets not forget to include the 100 million users of Facebook.

    Slightly off topic, does anyone think this site can get anymore pro-apple biased?

    The amount that you're reaching is insane and impressive. I quite enjoy it.


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  • In the Adobe Acrobat Pro:

  • Arsu
    May 5, 09:29 AM
    hey guys

    i know this topic doesnt belong here but if someone can please help me out id really appriciate it. i did try to post this a few time in the ipod section but no one seems to be of any help.

    i have a ipod touch 4th gen currently on 4.3
    i was trying to jailbreak it using redsnow 0.9.6rc14 to upgrade to 4.3.2 and jailbreak at the same time. the jailbreak does finish but when i check the ipod it isnt upgrading the software to4.3.2 nor is cydia getting insatalled. if someone can please help me out id really appriciate it.


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  • Snookerman
    Jun 2, 05:55 AM
    Haha, I can actually hear that voice in my head "hey apple!" :p


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  • ghostalker
    Apr 27, 09:40 PM
    Jobs: If people don�t want to participate in things, they will be able to turn location services off. Once we get a bug that we found fixed, their phone will not be collecting or contributing any crowdsourced information. But nor will it be calculating location.

    Schiller: Sometimes it helps people to understand an analogy that describes what these things are like because they are so new. I would think an analogy of a crowdsourced database is every time you walk into a retail store, many retailers have a clicker that counts how many people come in and out of the store. Nobody really cares about that because it is completely anonymous. It is not personal data. It is not anything to worry about. It�s not something that people feel is private because it is really not about them. It�s a coagulated total of all traffic. These crowdsourced databases are sort of like that.

    The first part is the worlds best CEO saying "even though last time we told you turning off location services would prevent this and it didn't, this time when we tell you you can believe us"

    The second part is the head of the worlds best marketing department saying "you know what, even after you ask us not to do something and we still do it, it's no biggie. It's all good because the data is ANONIMIZED!. Just to make it seem harmless I will make an inane analogy to a turnstile at a store."

    Except in your analogy the the turnstile is strung around the customers neck and clocks everywhere the he or she goes.

    No fact this is all very technical and I am sure that if you explained it correctly I would be incapable of understanding.

    I am most upset because I truly liked a lot about Apple. Now I feel disillusioned, more by the response than by the issue.

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  • grue
    Dec 7, 07:21 PM
    rowlander, you can get compressor to work with more than 1/9th of a core?
    That sarcasm is directed at compressor and not at you.

    I WISH i could get compressor to work. Oh, sorry....I should clarify, to work beyond 1 frickin' file! If i start a batch, the only thing I'm not sure of is which error I'll get - it's usually 1 of 2.

    Yet, I can use Innobits, Bitvice to compress MPEG2 files for DVD (and the ac3s) and well, wouldn't you know, this fine 3rd party apps makes all my cores jump with excitement without me even praying to get on my knees and cry for help :)

    I'm a pretty laid back guy, but man compressor just busts my kahonies. Heck, I even emailed Mr. Jobs about it (although nothing back).

    And don't even get me started on having to export to QT first. I do not even come close to understanding the logic behind that considering it's their own software!

    BUT, compressor is stopping me from upgrading to an 8core so no more money for Apple in that case. No sense spending a few grand on a machine whose potential won't even come close to being tapped.

    I don't drink, but feel like I should have one right now.

    ugh :)

    Have you configured QMaster? It's a bit of a PITA, but worth it once it starts working.


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  • techfreak85
    Jan 2, 10:39 AM
    alright! thanks! let us know if you have any problems or issues and we'll try to help you out.

    we just got passed by another team, so we are now #61. and we will get passed again in less than a month. we have got to get more people involved!
    Or current people getting bonus points. I'm busy today, but maybe I could write up something tonight, time permitting.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 12:22 AM
    My sources are actually talking about an advanced, radical design which also incorporates a radical new feature set.

    It's called the iOmni, and it's really cool.

    It comes in solid brass with a mirror polish finish.

    Here's some descriptive photos that were smuggled out of a highly-classified location which, apparently for reasons of national security, are not at the 1 Infinite Loop campus location.

    In this first image, you can see the iOmni in it's closed mode. Unfortunately due to the angles of the images, you cannot really see it, but there is a pair of standard 1/8th inch headphone jacks at the top of the device, one on either "bump". It would seem that some people have been taking the "stick it in her ear" comment a little bit too literally, and due to complaints, Apple has now built in a second headphone jack to allow both parties to listen to the music in full, clear stereo.

    Moving on...

    As you can see in this first image, Apple's famous electro-static click wheel remains a central part of the design. I'll come to the set of rings it's set into in just a moment, but one of the things I'd like to draw your attention to are the two colored lights, one red and one green, at the top of the device. Nobody my contact has spoken with seems to know exactly what they're for, but there has been some speculation about them being part of the power meter system.

    However, it's the concentric rings which are of very great interest, since they seem to contain a sequence of date codes, from days to weeks, and then down through centuries. According to several unconfirmed reports, it seems the device rumored to be able to let you listen to any song, at any point in time in Earth's history. Now, if true, of course this would suggest a considerable scientific breakthrough in temporal physics and acoustic detection. Whether it transports the user, the performer, or just the music itself is as yet unknown.

    There have been rumors around the Apple campus that Steve has gone missing once or twice when visiting the off-campus facility, but these have been largely discounted by most of the people my source has spoken with.

    My source said there was no LCD mounted to the unit pictured above, but there did seem to be some extraneous connectors in between the two lights, though what their purpose is remains unknown.

    Isn't this exciting news, folks? You've heard it here first.

    acrobat 9 serial. serial number acrobat 9
  • serial number acrobat 9

  • tunerX
    Jul 25, 06:27 PM

    Apr 13, 09:01 PM
    Hi all, I have bootcamped W7 with 70 gigs; but want to change it to have more space for games. I think I have to Delete the whole partition and then reinstall/bootcamp my W7 Disc, but will my key work with it?

    Apr 13, 03:25 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    The tech at the Cingular store told me it would be next year before 5 will appear. Not sure how reliable that is or where he got his info. I asked him how sure of that he was. He stated he was very sure.

    Apr 1, 02:12 PM

    Mar 21, 09:02 AM
    Sorry for the rant, but I felt like I needed to vent to fellow designers. Anyone else have any horror stories?:)

    Some people will walk all over you if you let them. Send an email "on the previous job I was paid for 3 hours but my total time spent was actually xxx hours. I can't afford jobs like that, so if you want another job done, you'll have to agree that time spent on phone calls will be billed as well. " And buy a stopwatch.

    Your job is not to produce graphics designs. Your job is to produce billable hours.

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I do have a pretty good archiving system. I have a folder untitled "freelance" and therein is a folder named after each client and then each project. The guy kind of threw me with the sudden weekend call. You're right about the phone time too. No more mister nice guy; there's no reason to cheat myself for billable meeting time when I'm already lowballing myself.:)

    Add: "Weekend work, including phone calls is charged at double rate. Sunday work at triple rate. ".

    Sep 10, 11:53 PM
    on my alu Macbook
    on my mac mini

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